Korg minilogue xd Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer with Prologue MULTI Engine, Expanded Sequencer, 3X Multi-Effects, X/Y Joystick and CV INs – With Korg Custom Case

An evolved next-generation analog synthesizer with huge potential for sound design and performance We wanted to deliver a next-generation analog synthesizer for a new generation of musicians new to analog synthesis. That dream was realized in the development of the minilogue, which instantly made the analog synthesizer approachable. In addition to emphasizing the same real analog sound and joy of controlling an electronic musical instrument offered by the original minilogue, the minilogue xd newly adds a digital multi-engine, effects, a powered-up sequencer and micro tuning functionality, further expanding the possibilities for sound design and performance potential. minilogue xd is a fitting addition to the original groundbreaking minilogue. Analog synthesizer circuit that shatters expectations for its class Four-voice polyphonic analog synthesis. The analog synthesizer circuit of the minilogue, whose genuine analog sound had a huge impact on the synth world, has been further developed for the minilogue xd. Voice structure of minilogue xd is 2VCO + MULTI ENGINE, 1VCF, 2EG, 1VCA and 1LFO. In addition to the distinctive circuits found in the series, such as wave shaping to shape the overtones of the oscillator and a sync/ring switch, there’s also cross modulation, a sharp two-pole filter and a drive switch that adds thickness and drives signal into minilogue xd’s filter. Every parameter has been tuned in detail based on what musicians w

Product Features

  • Korg minilogue xd Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer with Prologue MULTI Engine/Expanded Sequencer/3X Multi-Effects/X/Y Joystick and CV Ins – AC Adapter – Korg Warranty – Korg Custom Case for Minilogue Analog Polyphonic Synthesizer
  • Keyboard: 37-keys (Slim-key, velocity sensitive)
  • Sound Generation: Analogue sound generator + Multi digital sound generator (Noise, VPM, User)
  • Maximum Polyphony: 4 voices
  • Programs: 500 voices (more than 200 preload, 300 user programs)Each program provides a program sort function that includes voice mode settingsFavorite function built in