Kala MK-B Makala Baritone Ukulele Bundle with Gig Bag, Tuner, Austin Bazaar Instructional DVD, and Polishing Cloth
Available in all sizes and multiple colors, Kala’s ever-popular MK series of Makala ukes is an ideal entry-level instrument for anyone first learning to play ukulele. They’re the most affordable instruments in the Kala catalog, and while they’re not as cheap as some of the generic instruments on the market, you get the added assurance of Kala’s well-known reputation for high quality. Makala ukuleles are constructed of a mahogany neck and agathis body, along with rosewood fingerboard and bridge. In addition, they come with a satin finish and geared tuners, so not only do they look good; they also stay in tune. If you’re looking for better quality, the next step up is Kala’s KAA and KA series, which are constructed with a mahogany rather than agathis body. | Assembled exclusively by Kala “dealer of the year” Austin Bazaar, this bundle includes everything you need to start playing right out of the box, including a clip-on tuner, instructional DVD, and polishing cloth. | Baritone scale | Agathis body | 18 brass frets | Rosewood fingerboard and bridge | Mahogany neck | Geared tuners
Product Features
- Bundle includes Gig Bag, Austin Bazaar Instructional DVD, Clip-On Tuner, and Polishing Cloth
- Mahogany neck; agathis body
- Rosewood fingerboard and bridge
- Geared tuners
- Satin finish
It would be good for a beginner Playing nonstop for a day, here are my thoughts so far:The minor things:1) The bag is adequate. It’s not padded but is well constructed, and has both hand and shoulder straps. But, the one I got is also emblazoned with “Kohala,” which is a different brand entirely2) The DVD looks good–I’ve skimmed through it, and although there isn’t anything different than what you can find online, it’s professionally produced and logically planned. It would be good for a…
I really love this Ukulele I really love this Ukulele. The strings are great, the DVD is helpful (but short). The case holds it fine with some room to spare(although it is flexible, I would prefer a hard case I think). The digital tuner is really excellent and easy to use. After a couple weeks of daily playing, it stays almost perfectly in tune. I still fine tune it each time I pick it up, but the tweaks necessary are really small.My one and only complaint is that the grommets around the tuning pegs, which…
Kala Pineapple Uke/Hard Case/Tuner bundle: MORE than your money’s worth! As a music teacher and professional performer for nearly 40 years I’ve see all kinds and grades of fretted instruments.The Kala brand Pineapple-style soprano uke has cut costs where it matters least (cosmetic flourishes) and put the value where it matters most: Sound quality and playability.As several reviewers have cited in the past, the strings leave something to be desired, but are adequate for any beginner.The main problem with most of these less…